Here's a quick update on some of the little changes which have been happening over the last while:
Over the last few weeks we've been working behind the scenes on improving image display on HiDPI devices (or in the Apple world, "Retina" devices). For those of you with a keen eye you should notice improved image quality on these devices now :) We've also improved load performance and navigation on portfolio pages which are very tall (e.g. masonry & minimal themes).
You may already know that you can easily enable the use of Social Media Icons on your Crevado Portfolio. These Social Media icons can be used to link your Online Portfolio to your Social Media pages e.g. Facebook, pInterest, LinkedIn and more. Previously, when you'd activate these icons you could not control the positioning of them - they would simply remain fixed on the left hand side of the page. The good news here is that the positioning of these icons is now configurable via the Crevado Theme editor.
On the content editor side of things. Thanks to user reports, we've fixed a few little nigglying bugs which would occur when editing custom content on your content pages. In addition to fixing these bugs we've also added the ability to change font colors at will via a handy colorpicker too. Interested to know more? This and more is documented over on our content editor blog article.